Love the earth, Commute by bike
This month, choose to celebrate Earth Day in a real, practical manner. Instead of taking four wheels to work or school, choose two wheels! Not only will choosing to ride your bike have a tangible impact on your health and fitness, it will also have a great impact on the environment.
Hybrid or Comfort bikes are popular for many reasons. They are a comfortable, approachable, eco-friendly means of getting out with family and friends, running errands, exercising or commuting to work. They don't pretend to be ultra-fast racers and they aren't overbuilt tanks for the off-road trails. They are the middle—an excellent combination of comfort, efficiency and fun.
Hybrids and Comfort bikes, though technically different, cater to essentially the same market and may be called any number of different names. Don't worry about it. Read through this buyer's guide to see what features make hybrids so popular and then come in to ride one yourself. We highly encourage test-rides!
As you look at bikes, you will see the names Hybrid, Comfort and Cruiser (among several others) used. Here is a quick look at what each generally mean, though some bikes may share qualities of all categories. Don't worry! You need to find a bike that YOU like, not one that fits any particular definition.